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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Nikon: Ashton's Picture Perfect

Ashton Kutcher, the former star of That 70s Show and host of Punk'd, is the new face of Nikon cameras. It is interesting to note that the url for the COOLPIX camera is: The new Nikon camera is sleek, fashionable and colorful. Kutcher is trendy enough to promote the COOLPIX model, especially with is connection to Twitter. The celebrity is a frequent user of Twitter, which he is currently used to promote Nikon’s Film Festival, “a user-generated content contest for people to submit "a day through your lens" video for the chance to win $100,000.” In his short video, Kutcher documented his trip to Africa with his wife, Demi Moore. Kutcher has four million Twitter followers, which Nikon is clearly using to its advantage.

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