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Monday, December 7, 2009

Pretty Woman for Lancome

Lancome has the right pretty woman for their new ad campaign. Famous A-list actress Julia Roberts has been named as a "Global Ambassador" for Lancome. As soon as Reese Witherspoon was given the title, Avon's sales increased 6 percent in less than 2 months. It will be interesting to see if the face of Julia will have a direct impact on sales. While Kate Winslet and Anne Hathaway have been faces of the brand, Roberts is the first ambassador for the entire Lancome brand.

Lancome's international president Youcef Nabi said: "By her remarkable personality and career, Julia Roberts is an emblematic woman of her time. Her exceptional talent, her radiance and her strong commitments, perfectly echo Lancome's values. We are convinced she will embody the brand in the most sublime way possible."

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