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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tiger In Trouble

Tiger Woods at a game with daughter and wife, Elin.

Tiger Woods is probably the most powerful athlete celebrity endorser and his image has worked effectively in ads up until this point, except perhaps his mismatched endorsement for Buick. Nike alone used Woods to create Nike Golf, one of the fastest growing brands in the industry and manufacturing golf balls that Tiger Woods himself used in the U.S. Open, British Open, and PGA Championship (Belch 175). Now, Tiger Woods is at risk for losing his lucrative endorsements due to the exposure of his affair. After a car accident last week, the media delved into Tiger's life, which led to his ultimate confession of an affair, which is backed up with the evidence of over 300 text messages between him and his mistress. According to PR experts:

Woods sponsorship and endorsement deals include Gatorade, Accenture, AT&T, EA Sports, Gillette, Nike and NetJets. Thus far Woods’ sponsors have not commented on his status with them. However, Bank of America said it will continue its talks about taking on a broader role with the Tiger Woods Foundation.

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