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Friday, November 6, 2009

The Celebrity and the iPod Revolution

Since the Apple iPod’s release in 2001, it has become the most popular mP3 player in the United States. The iPod now stands as technology that has transformed the music industry and how people listen to music. Aside from the allure of the iPod models’ remarkably small size, but large storage capacity, Apple’s commitment to direct marketing, personal selling techniques and maintenance of public relations, has caused the iPod to achieve success unparalleled by rival mP3 players. It is with the marketing strategies of Apple that strengthened iPod sales and put these small music players in the hands of people everywhere.

The “Silhouette” advertisements not only feature popular songs, but celebrities Mary J. Blige, Coldplay and Eminem, performing their popular hit songs. Other commercials for “iPod + iTunes” have featured musical legends, such as Bob Dylan singing “Someday Baby” and Paul McCartney singing, “Dance Tonight.” It is important to note that the commercial, which does not seek to offer product details, is designed to create desire for participation in the experience that the iPod provides, often capitalizing on the glamour of featured celebrities. The ability to use classic music legends like Dylan and McCartney, creates a sense of source attractiveness, that immediately increases the “likeability” of the iPod, especially for fans of these musicians.

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